Kevin Wall
Home Projects Résumé
VR Capstone (Proof Of Concept)
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Multiplayer Connectivity Main Menu Scene VR UI Sliders Enemy UI
World Space UI Sandbox Lobby Scene In-Game Debugging Console

Team Role: UI / Networking / Generalist Programmer

Team Size: 4

Development Time: 4 month

Multiplayer Connectivity
  • Hosting lobbies and connecting clients with Unity's Netcode for Game Objects, Unity Lobby, and Unity Relay services.
  • Ability for players to reconnect to previously joined lobby.
  • Implemented logic for Local Area Network (LAN) or Wireless Area Network (WAN) connections between players.
World Space UI
  • Created many world space menus like our Multiplayer Connections, Options Menu, and Dungeon Generator.
  • Working with World Space UI to make it feel like it belongs in the scene has been a challenge.
  • The players raycaster collides with box colliders of any world space UI within our game showing what they are currently pointing at.
Main Menu
  • The main point for players to choose Singleplayer or Multiplayer.
  • Players will spawn in here whenever they get disconnected from a session or start up the game.
  • Fun Fact: This scene was where I started playing around with post processing effects.
Sandbox Lobby
  • The main area where players can join/host lobbies, start their dungeon runs, and find a tutorial area to help introduce them to the game.
  • Created testing enemies that players can test weapons and resistance values against.
  • Created interactive controls menu that players can see where they are located on a 3D model.
Custom UI Prefabs
  • Created a VR UI "Slider" that can be implemented for any values we need players to increase or decrease (ex. volume settings, resistance values).
  • I started using event System.Action variables to help give additional usage and functionality with the slider.
  • Other prefabs consist of the Pause Menu, Player UI, and Damage Indicator (Flyoffs) Scripts.
Target Enemy UI
  • Sliders for changing resistance values using my UI VR Sliders.
  • Damage indication fly offs for players to know how much damage they dealt to enemies.
  • Accounts for floating point error when displaying the damage indicator particles.