Kevin Wall
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Undead Paradise
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Performance/Object Pooling Generic Resource/Timers Post Processing Weapon Inheritence
Editor Scripts Blockades Powerups/Perks

Team Role: Team Lead / General Programmer

Team Size: 2

Development Time: 2 months

Performance / Object Pooling
  • Used Static Batching to reduce Batch Count for GPU rendering.
  • Enemies follow a object-pool like design to reduce created/destroyed memory.
  • Reduced calls to GetComponent, Start, and Update related functions (known for performance drops).
Generic Resources/Timers
  • Provided easy callbacks to when resources/timers are manipulated.
  • Helps reuse functionality for common resource pools.
  • Custom timer avoids the use of update when not needed and simplifies logic in main scripts.
Weapon Inheritence
  • All weapons inherit from BaseWeapon, a script containing all related weapon logic.
  • Used in the four weapon classes; AutoFire, Singlefire, Projectile, and Shotgun.
  • Helped reuse similar logic for reload, shooting, and storing weapon stats among all related weapons.
Editor Scripts
  • Rotating Tree editor script to uniquely rotate each tree in the maps.
  • Seperator Attribute to help organize information within the inspector tab(s).
  • Inspired to create more editor tools in later projects.
Post Processing
  • Helped create a unique look within the game with Bloom and Vignette Effects.
  • Used a separate vignette to display health loss, increasing intensity the lower the player's health.
  • Toggle for enable/disabling to help with performance on older machines.
Powerups / Perks
  • Powerups are simple collidable objects that grant specific abilities such as double points or refill ammo/reserves.
  • Perks provide a player boost until they lose all their health, after a players death perks are sent back to their stand to be rebought.
  • Unlocks more playing area, turns on enemy spawners, and reveals available weapons.
  • Linked Blockades help allow for either end of a pathway to be purchased once and not multiple times.
  • Customizeable buy amount using a resource pool for points.